Sponsor Hulk

Meet Hulk

He got knocked down, but he got up again


We’ve known this absolute hunk since 2019, when he first appeared outside our local bakery. You’ve probably heard this bakery mentioned a lot as it’s a bit of a hotspot for street dogs, thanks to a steady supply of free rice and curry, egg rolls, and veggie roti (kind of our staple diet here too, to be honest!).

However, he didn’t have his first hospital visit until early 2022 when he was involved in a road traffic accident, which is unfortunately something we see a lot of here in Sri Lanka. Traffic be crazy! A quick-thinking villager gave us a call and we whizzed down there to scoop him up (fun fact — the building site we found him at would later become our new WECare office!).

Luckily for Hulk, X-rays showed he’d escaped any fractures (phew!) but he was still pretty messed up, suffering from soft tissue injury, lots of bruising and some veeeeeeeery sore road rash. Treatment for this involves strict cage rest, antibiotics, delicious painkillers, and of course, lots and lots of WECare love.  Cage rest can feel like prison for street dogs, who are used to roaming around at their leisure, so our wonderful animal care assistants kept him occupied to stop him losing his mind. 

Now, our boy Hulk lives a pretty charmed culinary life at the bakery with unlimited access to goodies,  so he was none too impressed with our rather basic hospital menu of…nutritious dog biscuits. His refusal to eat turned our animal care assistants into his personal chefs, cooking up lots of fishy dhal to keep him satisfied. This boy was truly one of the fussiest patients we’ve ever had!

When he wasn’t complaining about the room service, Hulk was having lots of gentle, therapeutic massages, physiotherapy sessions, and short walks. Supervised garden time was also a must to keep him sane while making sure he didn’t overdo it. He required a looooooot of care and attention but we think you’ll agree that he’s absolutely worth it.

After a six-week stay at Hotel WECare, Hulk checked out and was private chauffeured back to his home at the nearby bakery to be reunited with his best mates Chance and Paprika, who you can also sponsor!

However, shortly after his discharge, Hulk began regularly trotting back up the road to the hospital so see us — what can we say? We’re irresistible, clearly! Having him hanging around outside made post-discharge health checks super easy — thanks Hulky! 

Shortly after, we set up an office opposite his bakery so we see this handsome fella every day and often arrive in the morning to find him howling, waiting to be let in for his treats. Demanding sod.

He gets up to a LOT of high jinks, so if you fancy hearing about them every month, sign up to sponsor Hulk today!

Sponsor Hulk

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