WECare is all about sharing the love – in order to transform veterinary care on offer to street dogs across the globe, we need a huge army of animal lovers behind us! Millions – if not billions – of dogs are going without healthcare that we so take for granted in the developed world. Together we can change this.
We would love to live in a world where veterinary care is a free commodity for all but unfortunately, utilities and supplies don't come for free. Running a high standard veterinary hospital in a developing country is expensive - there are 3 million dogs in need in Sri Lanka and we genuinely dread the day when we have to turn one away. As vets, we couldn't live with ourselves if this happened. Charity begins at home but an animal in need is an animal in need, regardless of geographical location. We rely on animal lovers worldwide coming together to help those who need us most.
Brits famously hate talking about money (!) but as a small charity, our cash flow is a constant worry. We need to buy medicines, dog food and consumables, as well as pay rent and salaries for our hard-working staff. (One bonus though is that we don't have to pay vets bills!!) Want to help us cover costs, while raising awareness for WECare and the plight of street dogs worldwide? There are so many ways to help out - by holding a quiz night, running a marathon, pledging your birthday, and more!
Email us to enquireThe WECare hospital is run by a small, dedicated team of staff, but we also rely on hard-working volunteers, year-round. Volunteering at WECare isn’t a glorified holiday – our volunteers are just as vital as our permanent team. We work hard and we play hard. Think you’ve got what it takes to join the WECare gang?
We currently have an amazing team of 20 local and international staff members. Consistency is key when it comes to growing a charity, so while we rely on our incredible volunteers, we need a core team of passionate individuals to keep things ticking over.
When you leave a legacy to WECare, you’re ensuring your love for street dogs lives on, and you help us plan for the future. By choosing to support WECare in this way, you can transform animal lives in a truly meaningful way. We’re here to support you throughout the process. If you’d like to learn more or speak to a member of our team, please email below.
Can’t physically fly out to Sri Lanka to help? No worries! There are so many small things you can do every day that make a BIG difference, whether that’s playing our charity lottery, attending one of our WECare Balls, pledging your birthday on Facebook or making FREE money for us while you shop!